Category: philosophy

  • WP: Time Freezing feat. Naps

    Today I have another writing prompt to respond to with philosophy instead of fiction. This time it’s about time. (Conveniently, time is another one of my favorite topics.)  Once again it originates from tumblr.     Time travel is a surprisingly well-explored area in philosophy. Freezing time is similar to…

  • Ignoring values (is silly)

    A certain article on the Huffington Post is making the rounds on Facebook among those opposed to the current actions of the GOP regarding healthcare. The main point is that the author cannot argue for caring about other people on the basis of their being people. This cuts right to…

  • WP: Red Strings Extending Past the Sky (feat. Free Will)

    Another writing prompt (with responses): Off the bat, I have a little bit of a problem with the premise given it entails fate, but that’s okay, it opens the door to talking about the interplay of free will and fate. I’ll talk about that first. Then I’ll get into the…

  • WP: Twin Pain

    From the writing-prompt-s tumblr: You live in an alternate world where twins — fraternal and identical — can feel each other’s physical pain. You are an only child with no siblings. One day, suddenly, you feel a burning pain in your chest. This prompt brings up a few problems. The…

  • Path to idealism

    A friend of mine suggested I should write up how I came to idealism, which I’ll do here. I’ll note up front that I do not think that I came to it through the best philosophical arguments, possible or actual. Nonetheless, the path itself may be elucidatory of rhetorically strong…

  • The Most Obnoxious Argument

    I see this argument far too often, usually in a limited quantity of forms, but across a wide variety of topics. The argument goes: S entails x. x is good/bad. Therefore S is good/bad. S entails y. Therefore y is good/bad. The word “entails” might be better swapped out for “includes” or some other verb depending…

  • Response to Evidence for God from Science Part 2: The Cosmological Argument

    In Part 1 I addressed some issues with Deem’s rendition of the cosmological argument. He happens to have an entire page dedicated to it, so it bears deeper examination, especially since it’s such a popular one. From Genesis 1:1 “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth” Deem asserts God…

  • Response to Evidence for God from Science Part 1: General Introduction

    When I used to be a Christian, I enjoyed the articles on The arguments were written in a compelling style and appealed to a modern sense of reason. At the time, I thought the arguments were sound. After all, the author of them, Richard Deem, is himself a scientist.…

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